
Newsletter- Week 4

Short o
jog*, mop*, not*, bats, like, on, do, no, go,so

     The kids did great on their first spelling test.  They will be coming home today in their Monday folders.  I'm also sending home the practice test we took last week.  I can tell they take this very seriously!  
     I know that some of the kids are way beyond this level of spelling, which puts me in a hard position. I am very opposed to just handing a kid a list of words and telling them to go learn them, without teaching the phonics skills that go along with it.  I am also a first grade teacher in the state of Texas, where the TEKS very specifically lay out what I am to teach at this grade level.  By the end of the year, we will have covered all 100 words on the Essential word list adopted by CSISD, as well as every phonics/ spelling pattern in the TEKS for first grade.  I know it's simple now, but it will get more challenging.  I will continue to assess every child on the phonics skill we are currently studying each Friday.  Keeping that in mind, I have always wanted to do a whole group vocabulary study.  I spend a great deal of time this weekend researching how to make this work and here's what I've come up with.

I introduce the phonics skill Monday mornings.  On Monday afternoon, I will introduce 8-10 vocabulary words. I am pulling them from the Ayres Spelling Scale, which was first produced in 1915 and is based on the 1000 most commonly used words.  I am still trying to decide the best way to assess that the kids can use these words in context (which is the true purpose of a vocabulary program), but I will be happy to assess your child on meaning AND the spelling of these words if you think your child needs the challenge. I just want to be clear, I am not teaching the class how to spell these words, only the meaning and how to properly use them in context.  I am sending home a 1note in the folders today, so you can let me know if you'd like your child assessed on word meaning (all students will get this basic assessment), or word meaning AND spelling using these words.  Here are the words we will use this week:

Week 4

In RW this week, students will learn the proper way to choose a 'just right' book.  We use the PICK system:
P-   purpose:  why am I reading this book?
I-    interest: is this book about something that interests me?
   C-   comprehension:  Can I understand this book?
   K-   know:  do I know most of the words?

We will practice, and practice, and practice choosing books using this system, to make sure we are getting books that are just right for us!  We will also practice how to fully utilize our reading partners, and we will start drawing meaningful connections between different books we read.

I am continually amazed at how well our Kinder teachers did with these kids in writing.  Most kids have a good handful of stories at least started, so we will have plenty of material to work with when we start to learn revision and editing skills.  This week, we learn that writer's do the best they can and move on, and DO NOT get stuck trying to spell unimportant words.  We also will work on ending our small moment stories "in the moment'- no more 'and they lived happily ever after....  We will also start to focus on talking like authors when we conference with our writing partners.

In math, we are decomposing numbers.  We are working on "Ways to make ___"  4,5,6,7,8,9,10.  Basic addition and subtraction will be put into practice here, as well as moving across the 100 chart by adding and subtracting numbers.  We will end the week with a data collection/ graphing activity using rainbow goldfish.  If you'd like to provide a bag or box of goldfish for this project, we'd appreciate it!
Last week, we investigated using our 5 senses.  We will touch on the scientific method again, gearing up for an exciting (and usually pretty gross) study of the human body and it's functions.  Yay!
I am very excited about this week long study of patriotism.  We are going to break down the United States pledge of allegiance and put it into kid terms.  It's important to know what we are staying each morning in the gym.  We are also going to learn more about the US Constitution because September 17 is Constitution Day.

It's BOOK FAIR week!  I will let the kids go get books right before CAMP each day (if they bring money, of course), but a great way to shop with your kids is to either come Thursday night for Family Night or come eat lunch with your child and take them after you eat.  Another option is to take your child first thing in the morning after assembly.  I am very flexible so let me know what you need, and I am sure we can accomodate. 

If you haven't scheduled a conference, you will get a note today about times available.  This is a quick 20 minute conference to discuss recent assessments, as well as discuss any concerns you may have.  If I have any concerns about your child, you would have heard from me by now, so this is more of a chance for you to see how your child is adjusting, as well as help me set some goals for the year ahead.  As always, call or email if you need anything!

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