

I LOVE writing grants... and I usually get them.  Actually, I have only written two and I was only awarded one of them, but it was a big one and I like to stay optimistic!

I wrote a grant (along with a few of my team mates), asking the PTO for a substantial amount of money to build an outdoor classroom and interactive learning garden.  This is fueled a bit by my mother, who I call the Plant Whisperer and she's very willing to come help on a regular basis!  Lucas will love having his Mimi in the classroom working, but all the kids will benefit from her quirky personality and vast knowledge of all things 'garden'.

Anyway, I tell you this so that you will be thinking good thoughts this week and next as the committee considers my proposal, but also because I am going to be talking about it in class with the kids, maybe even writing about it.

 *IF* we get this grant, it will be an amazing learning opportunity for our kids, who will not only benefit from the finished product for years to come, but will be truly invested because they will actually help build it.  Fingers crossed and I'll keep you posted!

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