
Digi- Art Gallery?

Do you ever see something and think "WHY WHY WHY didn't I think of this!"?  Well, here's my latest 'why didn't I think of this' moment!  What a FABULOUS way to archive your child's art- I am a mother of 4.... I have BOXES of junk stuff from my first born and a handful of items from #4, mostly involving broken pasta and overglued feathers (yes, I know that isn't a word.)   Let me know if you try this... Actually, I'll grab this app tomorrow (dead phone tonight) and let you know what I think... If I don't check back in, ask me!

Masterpiece Theatre

Artkive clutter-free artwork storage

Back to school is full of trade-offs. (Hello, 7 p.m. bedtime. Goodbye, clear refrigerator door.)
If you’re already searching Pinterest for solutions to art project clutter, the best answer might be right in your hands. Artkive, a new app for iPhones (the Android version launches in September), lets you store, share, and print your kid’s scribbles without a moment of “I can’t throw this away” guilt.
Simply snap a picture of the artwork and the app automatically tags each image with your child’s name, grade, and date created. Add a title or description and then share the gallery with other parental units or whomever you invite to your circle.
But hold tight: The real genius of Artkive will be realized a few months into the school year (your refrigerator door is still clear!) when you’ve collected enough images to turn your digital collection into a customized coffee-table book with just the press of a button.
Talk about a real masterpiece.
Available at artkiveapp.com, free for a limited time.
Reposted from http://www.dailycandy.com

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